Composer Prize 2021
Malte Giesen
Insomnia (2008) for saxophone quartet
Tango Lineal (2010) for saxophone quartet
8th litany for Heliogabalus (2011) for drumset and live electronics
study (…) (2011) for string trio
upcycling study 2 (2012) for baritone saxophone and electronics
playlist (2012) three improvisation concepts for at least 6 instrumentalists and students
Studie for 4 Ebay violins, amplifier and effect devices (2012)
Septett for Ebay violins, amplifiers and effect devices (2013)
Mit Verlaub (gehoben, eine möglicherweise Ärger erregende Aussage einleitend) (2013) for two alto saxophones and live electronics
unisono 1 (2013) for string quartet
human resource study (2014) for 2 prepared trombones and tuba
trio (with remixed surface of Beethoven) (2014) for string trio and electronics
endlosdisk (2014) for four players on trombone, guitar, keyboard and violin
Divertimento – Veränderung an Oberfächen (2014) for string quartet and electronics
Unisono 3: Singer-Songwriter (2015) for guitar duo and electronics
Stilisierung, mit explosions (2015) for double bass clarinet, viola, percussion and electronics
Stilisierung, mit video-explosions (2015) for oboe, saxophone, percussion, piano/keyboard, violoncello, electronics and video
easy listening studies (2015) for flute, saxophone, harp, percussion, piano, violin and electronics
Die Paradoxie der Sichtbarkeit (2016) for oboe, bass clarinet, percussion, piano/keyboard, violoncello
Die Paradoxie der Sichtbarkeit II (2016) for alto saxophone, bass clarinet, percussion, piano/keyboard, e-guitar
study on windowsize and stylecolor (2016) for flute, clarinet, harp, percussion with electronics and video
lowest common denominator (2017) for voice, electric zither, violoncello, percussion, keyboard, live video performer
4 Sätze und ein Intermezzo über Dichotomien und Kontinuen (2018) for guitar quartet
ohne Titel (musikalische Makroaufnahme nach Brahms op. 119 no. 1) (2018) for flute, clarinet, harp, percussion, tape
stock footage piece 1: business (2019) for string quartet
Studie für 2 Instrumente und Elektronik (2020) for bass clarinet and violoncello
stock footage piece 2: type beats (2020) for 2 pianos, 2 percussionists and electronics
Double, double… (2010) for harp solo
nosh (2011) for viola solo
copy1 (2014) for viola and electronics
Die Oboe ist mächtiger als das Schwert (2015) for oboe, video and electronics
7th litany for Heliogabalus (2010) for ensemble
Fluchtversuche (2011) for large orchestra
instant composition (2011) for ensemble
Flatrate (2012) for large ensemble, speaker and sampler
Screening (2013) for ensemble and tape
Tu m (2014) for ensemble and sampler
A(unisono2)A – Teil 1 (2015) for large ensemble and electronics
$88 or the poetry of Capitalism (2015) for large ensemble, soprano, piano and viola
Surrogat/Extension (2017) for large ensemble, piano and keyboard
Konzert für hyperreales Klavier und Orchester (2016-2018) for large orchestra and special piano setup
Massenprozession (2020) for ensemble and 8-channel tape
Tesserakt (2021) for nine instruments and acousmatic electronics
Tondichtung einer Jugend (2011) fixed media
MSP_Dub (2013) 4-channel tape for loudspeaker orchestra
Drei Dekonstruktionen mit unvollständigem Wiederaufbau (2014) for 32-channel loudspeaker orchestra
UNICORN (2012) dramatic scene / text: Bernd Schmitt
Wolken.Heim (2013) stage music
AUS.REISE (2014) live audio play / text: Bernd Schmitt
Tako Tsubo (2016) chamber opera / libretto: Fanny Sorgo
Die Weise von Liebe und Tod (2018) Viktor Ullmann’s „Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornet Rilke“, rewritten by Fabian Gerhardt and Malte Giesen as a composed interpretation
WOLFSSCHLUCHT (2019) music theatre based on motives from Carl Maria von Weber’s DER FREISCHÜTZ
white border (2019) music theatre for 3 singers, clarinet, percussion, keyboard and live video
FRAME (2016-2020) transmedia music theatre for 5 vocalists and 6 instrumentalists
upcycling (2014) for one performer, laptop, cheap violin and cheap trombone
BEETHOVEN (1927) / (2019) film music to the silent film of the same name by Hans Otto Löwenstein
Fait-Divers (2021) film music for string trio and electronics to the film of the same name by Claude Autant-Lara