B!ME – Biennale des Musiques Exploratoires 2024

Grame, Lyon (FR)

The biennial for experimental music B!ME aims to be inclusive and festive. Under the direction of writer Nina Bouraoui, the festival will take place in March 2024 – supported by the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation – in Lyon and the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region. B!ME aims to reflect the diversity of creative music and daring intersections with the performing and visual arts, thus representing all areas of sound practices.

The motto of this edition is tel un enfant sauvage (like a wild child): This expresses the desire for our ears to return to the wild, to re-enter the forest, free from all preconceived ideas about what we should hear when we listen to music. In French, sauvage (wild) comes from the Latin silvaticus: forest, and thus refers to that which is on the edge, elsewhere, different. Over time, as our knowledge grew, we evolved and explored the world, wild spaces became smaller and smaller, as did wild lands and wild animal and plant species. And yet the idea of wilderness remains within us as a potential space.

This journey of discovery that the festival represents will present new artistic forms inspired by the desire to listen to the world with new ears, whether wild or wise, curious, exploratory, experimental, natural or artificial.

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March 6 – 30, 2023
Various locations, Lyon