Maarit Kytöharju

Commission to Justina Repečkaitė

Musica nova Helsinki (FI)

A Composition (working title) is a new work by composers Justina Repečkaitė and Lauri Supponen, choreographer Anna Mustonen and harpsichordist Marianna Henriksson, which will be premiered at the Musica nova Festival in Helsinki in February 2025.

The project explores the notion of composition as a question that relates to the organisation of sounds as music and that concerns choreographic thinking: relationships and connections.

The basis for the entire performance is the old system of thought derived from Boethius: the categorisation of music into musica mundana / musica humana / musica instrumentalis. Musica mundana was the music created by the proportional rotation of the spheres, planets and stars and was not audible to the human ear. Musica humana was the same natural harmony that takes place in the human body and its functions. Musica instrumentalis was the music that we humans can produce with instruments or voices – the audible version of cosmic proportions and harmonies. This ancient system of thought connects the micro and macro levels of the world. These ancient thoughts about cosmic harmony and its reflections in the human body and in the smallest elements of nature are placed in a dialogue with contemporary compositional and dramaturgical thinking.

The composer Justina Repečkaitė has already used historical materials, objects and instruments as a source of inspiration for her work. She is familiar with the historical perspective that the instruments take in this project and her work will be essential to the realisation of the project.

The Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation has made the commission to Justina Repečkaitė possible.

Further information:


Februar 2025
Tanssin talo, Helsinki