Manu Theobald

Concert: 50 years of the Arditti Quartet

Kammermusik Basel (CH)

The Arditti Quartet celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2024. The longstanding collaboration and many world premieres with Kammermusik Basel will culminate in the start of the string quartet’s anniversary tour in Basel. This anniversary concert is of great significance in the wide-ranging program of Kammermusik Basel, as the Arditti Quartet has premiered numerous works in the concert series, most recently by Basel composer Helena Winkelmann and Basel composers Jannik Giger and Alfred Zimmerlin.

The program from the repertoire of almost 400 premiered works will be a common thread through the ensemble’s oeuvre – Olga Neuwirth, Helmut Lachenmann, Iannis Xenakis, Jonathan Harvey and James Clarke.

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February 27, 2024
Stadtcasino, Basel