lovemusic, Strasbourg (FR)

We live in a society that claims to be increasingly accepting of the “other”, and yet the division is still palpable. Otherness is the state of being different and foreign to the identity of a person and the identity of the self. The term othering describes the reductive process of labeling and defining a person as a subordinate native, as someone who belongs to the socially subordinate category of “other”. The practice of othering excludes people who do not conform to the social group norm, which is a version of the self. Similarly, othering means that other people are excluded and marginalized from the social group, where the prevailing social norms do not apply to them because they are… others.

The concert project (L)AUTRE by the ensemble lovemusic explores the idea of otherness in various forms, including two new commissions. Sasha Blondeau will explore questions of identity as part of a new cycle of works entitled Devenir|s mutant-esi (becoming a mutant). Lara Gallagher will create a new one-hour interactive installation with lovemusic, in which found materials interact with live acoustic instruments. Works by Neil Luck, Ann Cleare, Bára Gísladóttir and Finbar Hosie will also be performed. The concert project (L)AUTRE is made possible by the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation.

Further information:


April 5 – 6, 2024
Festival Music Current, Dublin Sound Lab

April 27, 2024
Festival Musica / Le lieu unique, Nantes

May 4, 2024
Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik

May 23, 2024
Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain, Strasbourg

October 24 – 26, 2024
Sound Festival, Aberdeen