ADN-ZB Spremberg-23.4.76 Berlin: Festlicher Galaabend zur Eröffnung des Palastes der Republik Zu den bekannten Künstlern, die am 23.4.76 beim festlichen Galaabend zur feierlichen Eröffnung des Palastes der Republik mitwirkten, gehörte auch der bekannte Mozartinterpret Kammersänger Peter Schreier, der mit der Mozart-Arie "Im schönsten Wiesengrunde" das Publikum begeisterte. Achtung: Foto von der Generalprobe!

Ernst von Siemens Music Prize 1988

Peter Schreier

From the laudatory speech by Gerd Schönfelder:

One of the pillars of his success is his truthfulness. Everything he sings is deeply rooted in the truth that is inherent in the musical statement as its spiritual seed. The idle debate as to whether art in general and music in particular deserve to be judged by the criterion of truth has long since been decided for Peter Schreier by his audience, who applaud in unison.

It is the way he brings this or that recitative or aria, this or that song or musical-dramatic scene to life that gives us the encouragement and the vibrations that overwhelm us. If he could do it himself, the individual says to himself, if it comes to him and illuminates his spirit, he would want to do it in exactly the same way, because it seems impossible to do it any other way. When talking about Schreier’s singing, the word truth can be used with confidence. He offers it freely.